For those of you interested, i found a very interesting list of features that were introduced in C# in here . This is a very complete list that contains all the features, and i'm explaining them one by one in this post series. We've talked about Generics and Iterators . Now it's time for some partial types . A partial type is a type which definition is spread across one or more files. It doesn't have to be in multiple separated files, but can be. This is a very simple concept that can give us many benefits, let's see: If a type is partial, multiple developers can work on every part of it. This allows a more organized way of working and can lead to production improvement. Winforms , for example, generates a partial class for the form so that the client can separately edit other parts it. This way, a part contains information about the design and the other contains the logic of the form. In fact, this is a very spread pattern across .Net. Ent...
Let's have some fun with programming...