One of the limitations that EF still has is the support for multiple databases. It simply does not support that option.out of the box. Allthough on UserVoice a lot of people have voted this feature, it still doesn’t exist. Credit where credit is due: this is not my original idea. I first downloaded the original script, used it and then i almost completely rewrote it to suit my needs and to improve certain aspects. I love Linq, so i used it a lot. The original and fantastic script can be found here The trick is making EF believe that those objects are in the database by using synonyms. I dont know if every EF-supported database allows synonyms or not, but this is possible in SQL Server (which i am using). My script adds the ability to backup the edmx files first (which i find useful to prevent my model from being corrupted), replace the prefixes in the resulting model (which i had to do by hand with the other script) and finally reorder the navigation properties by al...
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